Locally Made With Pride


We are not only a distributor; we are also a processor. To us, the words made in Nova Scotia are a point of pride that represents top quality and a steadfast commitment to local. It’s pretty simple. When you buy what’s made here, more money stays here. That’s something that our competition just can’t match.


Click to view our Made Here catalogue.


O.H. Armstrong Products

We process a full line of cured and smoked meat products including bacon, ham, sausage, salami, pepperoni and beef jerky. While many processors turn to artificial methods like liquid smoke, we still use real smoke and quality recipes that have been the same for decades.

Making great food right here in Nova Scotia is a tradition that we’re proud to carry on every day.

Eastern Meat Purveyors

Eastern Meat Purveyors offers hundreds of top quality fresh and frozen meat products to our customers. Our federally inspected meat processing facility produces portion controlled steaks, roasts, ground beef, beef patties and pretty much any other cut or beef product you might need. Because we are independent and very hands-on, we can easily work with you to provide custom cut orders that meet your exact needs. And we can deliver them quickly.

We also offer top quality national and regional brands.

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